Welcome to Nami.Exchange, we provides a simple and powerful API consisting of REST endpoints for market updates.
We have code example in Shell! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right.
If you have any API questions, feedback, or recommendations please post a question via our Github page Github page
API Access
Access URLs
- The base endpoint is:
- All REST requests must be sent using the application/json content type. Non-HTTPS requests will be redirected to HTTPS, possibly causing functional or performance issues with your application.
- All REST requests will result in a
200 Ok
response unless there is a server or infrastructure error. The API result will be wrapped in a JSON Result object, where thestatus
field indicates response status.
Endpoint Rate Limit
The Nami.Exchange API employs call limits on all endpoints to ensure the efficiency and availability of the platform for all customers. In general, API users are permitted to make a maximum of 60 API calls per minute. Calls after the limit will fail, with the limit resetting at the start of the next minute. If your IP reachs rate limit too much, your IP will be banned within 1 hour. So, always pay attention to the frequency of requests
Request Format
All API requests are in either GET or POST method. For GET request, all parameters are path parameters. For POST request, all parameters are in POST body and in JSON format.
Response Format
All response will be returned in JSON format. The top level JSON is a wrapper object which has metadata "status". The actual per API response data is in "data" field. Response JSON Wrapper Content
Response wrapper content example:
"status": "ok",
"data": "API response data in nested JSON object"
Field | Data Type | Description |
status | string | The overall API call result status |
data | object | The actual response content per API |
Time (UTC+7) | Change Detail |
2019.08.26 08:00 | Public Market Data API at endpoint . |
2019.12.26 08:00 | Public Spot Trade API at endpoint . |
2019.12.27 08:00 | Public User Data API at endpoint . |
Public API
The Market Data API (
) does not require authentication.
Authentication using API key
Authentication is done by sending the following HTTP headers:
- api-expires: A UNIX timestamp in seconds after which the request is no longer valid. This is to prevent replay attacks.
- api-key: Your public API key.
- api-signature: A signature of the request you are making. It is calculated as hex(HMAC_SHA256(apiSecret, verb + path + expires + data)). See the example calculations below.
Example using API key
Use these calculations as test cases in your code.
apiKey = 'zukHJtjyIKUN22WhrkNSzf54CzsMtR4m'
apiSecret = 'bXKoe2Gr3nes99nMmpu44h7hCNQlZf6GAPJ3oAueRcRYWpdnhWKgVu64roeOO7Gh'
Simple GET
Get user wallet from /api/v1.0/user/wallet
verb = 'GET'
url = /api/v1.0/user/wallet
params = {
currency: 'ETH'
=> path = '/api/v1.0/user/wallet?currency=ETH'
expires = 1518064236 # Friday, December 27, 2019 4:39:51 AM
data = ''
signagure = HEX(HMAC_SHA256(apiSecret, verb + path + str(expires) + data))
signagure = HEX(HMAC_SHA256(apiSecret, 'GET/api/v1.0/user/wallet?currency=ETH1577421591'))
signagure = 'e24d08880b9d9b6c1f77fecc5977ed1a9ee1102ab0f34757e792057f1c78a3a5'
Simple POST
Create new Order from /api/v1.0/spot/order
verb = 'POST'
url = /api/v1.0/spot/order
params = {}
=> path = '/api/v1.0/spot/order'
expires = 1577421880 # Friday, December 27, 2019 4:44:40 AM
data = {
symbol: 'NACUSDT',
side: 'BUY',
type: 'LIMIT',
quantity: 1,
price: 1,
stop_price: 0
signagure = HEX(HMAC_SHA256(apiSecret, verb + path + str(expires) + data))
signagure = HEX(HMAC_SHA256(apiSecret, 'POST/api/v1.0/spot/order1577421880{"symbol":"NACUSDT","side":"BUY","type":"LIMIT","quantity":1,"price":1,"stop_price":0}'))
signagure = '986ac8fa1d263cd047aa7791be3f185fe892ce4dbfc9c8d09fc3a2f39715cddb'
If you are receiving "Invalid API Key" messages, check the following:
- Doube check your API public key is exact.
If you are receiving "Invalid API Permission" messages, check the following:
- Your API key permisson is valid. The permission require is described in api docs.
If you are receiving "Signature Not Valid" messages, check the following:
- Check that your signatures match the sample signatures above.
- If there is a request body, make sure your Content-Length and Content-Type are valid.
- Ensure your request body is being properly sent. Try a few sample requests against httpbin.
- Ensure you are signing the exact string that is being sent to the server. Certain JSON serializers have unstable key ordering, so serialize to a string first, sign that string, and then send the same string in the request body.
Market Data
Get Exchange Info
curl ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"status": "ok",
"data": [
"symbol": "ETHUSDT",
"exchange_currency": "ETH",
"base_currency": "USDT",
"status": "TRADING",
"min_price": 0.0001,
"max_price": 1000000,
"tick_size": 0.01,
"step_size": 0.00001,
"min_qty": 0.00001,
"max_qty": 9000,
"min_notional": 10
Current exchange trading rules and symbol information
HTTP Request
GET /market/symbols
Response Content
Field | Data Type | Description |
symbol | string | The trading symbol of this object, e.g. btcusdt, bccbtc |
base_currency | string | Base currency, for example: with symbol BTCUSDT, base currency is USDT |
exchange_currency | string | Exchange currency, for example: with symbol BTCUSDT, base currency is BTC |
min_price | float | Min exchange rate |
max_price | float | Max exchange rate |
tick_size | float | Min exchange rate movement |
step_size | float | Min exchange amount movement |
min_qty | float | Min exchange amount |
max_qty | float | Max exchange amount |
min_notional | float | Min value of exchange_rate*exchange_amount |
Get 24hr ticker price
curl ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"status": "ok",
"data": [
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"last_price": 10090.8,
"change_24h": 10,
"last_price_24h": 10080.8,
"high_24h": 10099.8,
"low_24h": 10079.8,
"high_1h": 10099.8,
"low_1h": 10079.8,
"total_exchange_volume": 20.459,
"total_base_volume": 206232.93,
"base_currency": "USDT",
"exchange_currency": "BTC"
Get 24h ticker data of all available symbols or specific symbol.
HTTP Request
GET /market/summaries
Query Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Default Value | Description | Value Range |
symbol | string | false | NA | The trading symbol to query | All supported trading symbols, e.g. btcusdt, ethusdt |
Response Content
Field | Data Type | Description |
symbol | string | The trading symbol of this object, e.g. btcusdt, bccbtc |
last_price | float | The last price |
change_24h | float | Change compare to last 24 hours price |
last_price_24h | float | Last price 24 hours |
high_24h | float | The high price of last 24 hours |
low_24h | float | The low price of last 24 hours |
high_1h | float | The high price of last 1 hours |
low_1h | float | The low price of last 1 hours |
total_exchange_volume | float | The trading volume in exchange currency of last 24 hours |
total_base_volume | float | The trading volume in base currency of last 24 hours |
base_currency | string | Base currency, for example: with symbol BTCUSDT, base currency is USDT |
exchange_currency | string | Exchange currency, for example: with symbol BTCUSDT, base currency is BTC |
Get Market Depth
curl ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"status": "ok",
"data": {
"bids": [
"amount": 0.521268,
"exchange_rate": 186.01,
"action": "BUY"
"asks": [
"amount": 0.9578,
"exchange_rate": 192.99,
"action": "SELL"
This endpoint retrieves the current order book of a specific symbol.
HTTP Request
GET /market/depth
Query Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Default Value | Description | Value Range |
symbol | string | true | NA | The trading symbol to query | All supported trading symbols, e.g. btcusdt, ethusdt |
limit | int | false | 20 | Limit depth of order book | [1-20] |
Response Content
Field | Data Type | Description |
bids | object | The current all bids in format [amount, exchange_rate, action] |
asks | ojbject | The current all asks in format [amount, exchange_rate, action] |
Get the Most Recent Trades
curl ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"status": "ok",
"data": [
"direction": "SELL",
"exchange_rate": 0.00652,
"exchange_amount": 3354,
"base_amount": 21.86808,
"created_at": 1567006044486
This endpoint retrieves the most recent trades with their exchange rate, base amount, exchange amount, and direction.
HTTP Request
GET /market/history/trade
Query Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Default Value | Description | Value Range |
symbol | string | true | NA | The trading symbol to query | All supported trading symbols, e.g. btcusdt, ethusdt |
limit | int | false | 20 | Limit depth of order book | [1-100] |
Response Content
Field | Data Type | Description |
base_amount | float | The trading volume in base currency |
exchange_amount | float | The trading volume in exchange currency |
exchange_rate | float | The trading price in quote currency |
created_at | integer | The UNIX timestamp in milliseconds |
direction | string | The direction of the taker trade: 'BUY' or 'SELL' |
Get Tickers Data
curl ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"t": [1606093200, 1606096800, 1606100400, 1606104000],
"o": [741, 779, 765, 760],
"h": [782, 779, 774, 763],
"l": [736, 760, 760, 757],
"c": [779, 765, 760, 759],
"v": [0, 0, 0, 0],
"s": "ok"
This endpoint retrieves the ticker data with open, close, high, low and time of ticker.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Default Value | Description | Value Range |
symbol | string | true | NA | The trading symbol to query | All supported trading symbols, e.g. btcusdt, ethusdt |
resolution | string | true | 20 | Timeframe of ticker | [1, 60, D] |
from | int | true | 20 | From in timestamp | [1-100] |
to | int | true | 20 | To in timestamp | [1-100] |
Response Content
Field | Data Type | Description |
t | float | Time of tickers in array |
o | float | Open Data of tickers in array |
h | float | High Data of tickers in array |
l | integer | Low Data of tickers in array |
v | string | Volume of tickers in array |
s | string | Status |
Access URLs
- The base endpoint is:
- All REST requests must be sent using the application/json content type. Non-HTTPS requests will be redirected to HTTPS, possibly causing functional or performance issues with your application.
- All REST requests will result in a
200 Ok
response unless there is a server or infrastructure error. The API result will be wrapped in a JSON Result object, where thestatus
field indicates response status.
Endpoint Rate Limit
The Nami.Exchange API employs call limits on all endpoints to ensure the efficiency and availability of the platform for all customers. In general, API users are permitted to make a maximum of 60 API calls per minute. Calls after the limit will fail, with the limit resetting at the start of the next minute. If your IP reachs rate limit too much, your IP will be banned within 1 hour. So, always pay attention to the frequency of requests
Request Format
All API requests are in either GET or POST method. For GET request, all parameters are path parameters. For POST request, all parameters are in POST body and in JSON format.
Response Format
All response will be returned in JSON format. The top level JSON is a wrapper object which has metadata "status". The actual per API response data is in "data" field. Response JSON Wrapper Content
Response wrapper content example:
"status": "ok",
"data": "API response data in nested JSON object"
Field | Data Type | Description |
status | string | The overall API call result status |
data | object | The actual response content per API |
Get User Wallet
curl ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"status": "ok",
"data": [
"currency": "NAC",
"value": 2465,
"locked_value": 0
"currency": "ETH",
"value": 1009.8500524310101,
"locked_value": 0.10001
"currency": "DAI",
"value": 10000,
"locked_value": 0
"currency": "SPIN",
"value": 26058.942333333325,
"locked_value": 11271
API Key Permission:Read This endpoint submit a request to create an order.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Default Value | Description | Value Range |
currency | String | false | NA | Filter Currency | Supported Currency |
Response Content
Field | Data Type | Description |
currency | String | Currency |
value | Double | Balance of user |
locked_value | Double | Lock value in spot, futures,... |
Get Opening Order
curl ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"status": "ok",
"data": [
"id": null,
"user_id": 18,
"action": "BUY",
"type": "STOP_LIMIT",
"status": "PENDING",
"quantity": 1,
"price": 1,
"stopPrice": 0.5,
"base_currency": "USDT",
"exchange_currency": "NAC",
"created_at": "2019-12-26T11:29:23.721Z"
API Key Permission:Read This endpoint submit a request to create an order.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Default Value | Description | Value Range |
Response Content
Field | Data Type | Description |
id | Integer | Order ID |
symbol | String | Order Symbol |
status | String | Order Side (BUY, SELL) |
side | String | Order Side (BUY, SELL) |
type | String | Order Type (MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LIMIT) |
quantity | String | Order Amount |
price | String | Order Price |
stop_price | String | Order Stop Price for STOP_LIMIT |
created_at | Date | The timestamp when the order was created |
Get History Order
curl ""
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"status": "ok",
"data": [
"id": 21,
"symbol": "NACUSDT",
"action": "BUY",
"type": "LIMIT",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"quantity": 10000,
"price": 1,
"created_at": "2019-12-27T03:03:56.497Z"
API Key Permission:Read This endpoint submit a request to create an order.
HTTP Request
Query Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Default Value | Description | Value Range |
page | Integer | false | 0 | Page index | 0, 1, 2,... |
page_size | Integer | false | 20 | Size of page | Max: 100 |
Response Content
Field | Data Type | Description |
id | Integer | Order ID |
symbol | String | Order Symbol |
status | String | History Status (MATCH_ORDER, CLOSE_ORDER) |
side | String | Order Side (BUY, SELL) |
type | String | Order Type (MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LIMIT) |
quantity | String | Order Amount |
price | String | Order Price |
stop_price | String | Order Stop Price for STOP_LIMIT |
created_at | Date | The timestamp when the order was created |
Place a New Order
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "" -d
"symbol": "NACUSDT",
"side": "SELL",
"type": "MARKET",
"quantity": 1000,
"price": 1,
"stop_price": 0
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
API Key Permission:Exchange This endpoint submit a request to create an order.
HTTP Request
Body Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Default Value | Description | Value Range |
symbol | string | true | NA | The trading symbol to query | All supported trading symbols, e.g. btcusdt, ethusdt |
side | string | true | NA | The trading side | BUY, SELL |
type | string | true | NA | The trading type | MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LIMIT |
quantity | double | true | NA | The trading quantity | |
price | string | true | NA | Limit price of limit or stop-limit order | |
stop_price | string | true | NA | Stop price of stop-limit order |
Response Content
Field | Data Type | Description |
id | Integer | Order ID |
symbol | String | Order Symbol |
side | String | Order Side (BUY, SELL) |
type | String | Order Type (MARKET, LIMIT, STOP_LIMIT) |
quantity | String | Order Amount |
price | String | Order Price |
stop_price | String | Order Stop Price for STOP_LIMIT |
avg_price | String | Order Avg Price for MARKET |
Delete Order
curl --location --request DELETE '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"id": 1238912
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
API Key Permission:Exchange This endpoint submit a request to create an order.
HTTP Request
Body Parameters
Parameter | Data Type | Required | Default Value | Description | Value Range |
id | Integer | true | NA | Order ID |
Response Content
Field | Data Type | Description |
id | Integer | Order ID |
Each error will have a status and message which explain the details of the error.
Error Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request, your request is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
418 | IP Banned |
429 | Too Many Requests |
500 | Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |